Embedded Expertise

Legal Notices

This website is published by SAS Thierry Durand, a private company incorporated in France.

Embedded Expertise is a trade name of SAS Thierry Durand.

Registered : 892 356 593 RCS Tours

VAT : FR62892356593

Address : 58 rue de Bel-Air – 37390 Mettray – France

Telephone : +33 612 146 230

E-mail : moc.pxe-bme @ tcatnoc

This website does not collect personal information. Especially, the contact form does not retain your data.

The information on this website are presented in good faith and are believed to be accurate at the moment of their publication. They may be improved or otherwise changed without notice.

The contents of this website including but not limited to text, logos and pictures are the property of Thierry Durand SAS, except for the contents owned by other parties (including partners).