Embedded Expertise

News, Stories, and Articles

Are You Riding a Dead Horse?

A well-known adage attributed to the Native American wisdom advises: “When you find yourself riding a dead horse, the best course of action is to dismount.” While the origins of the saying...

OTA Update Tools: Find The Perfect Fit For Your Application

Updating the firmware of modern devices is an essential part of their lifecycle. This post explores the desirable features of an OTA updater and compares three popular options to help you choose the...

A Deeper Dive into Software Buses: D-Bus, MQTT, and Kafka

In a previous post, we introduced the concept of a software bus, a powerful tool for inter-process communication. Today, we’re diving deeper into three popular software buses—D-Bus, MQTT, and...

Bus Your Way to Better Embedded Systems

Communication between processes, applications, or even computers is crucial for creating modular and flexible software architectures. But when it comes to implementing this communication, developers...

Requirements: Writing Specs That Save Time and Money

Writing clear, concise, and testable requirements is critical for ensuring that your project meets its goals efficiently. In this post, we’ll explore best practices for crafting effective requirements...

Reviews: The Key to Right-First-Time Designs

Frustrated by endless design iterations, costly reworks, and damaged reputation? Discover the power of professional design reviews. Outside experts can help you identify and address potential issues...

Containerizing Yocto the CQFD Way

Have you ever struggled to create a single Yocto project that can accommodate multiple variants, such as different hardware or software configurations? Containerizing Yocto can be a solution, but the...

VOOX: A Hardware Shield For Embedded Systems

In today’s interconnected world, embedded systems are both ubiquitous and increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. In fact, cybersecurity is often not just a matter of protecting sensitive data...

A Digital Artifact: My 25-Year-Old USB Drive

While cleaning out my desk drawers recently, I stumbled upon a small, unassuming object that transported me back in time. It was a 32 MB (not a typo) USB flash drive, a relic from the early days of...